Software Engineer & Geoscientist

Voltron Data, Inc.


Dewey Dunnington (Ph.D., P.Geo.) is a software engineer and geoscientist based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. As a software engineer he works on scaling spatial data science using Apache Sedona and Apache Arrow at Wherobots. Dewey is a co-creator of GeoArrow, nanoarrow, and a contributor to the Arrow Database Connectivity (ADBC) project. As a geoscientist, he has worked in contaminated site remediation, taught Applied Geomorphology at Acadia University, and has authored more than a dozen articles on lake water and sediment geochemistry. Dewey is an Apache Arrow Project Management Committee member, an RStudio-certified tidyverse instructor, an NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship (Doctoral) recipient, and maintainer of dozens of R, Python, C, and C++ libraries at the intersection of geoscience, geospatial data, and enterprise data connectivity.

  • Geospatial data connectivity with Apache Arrow
  • Software development in R, Python, C, and C++
  • Lake water & sediment geochemistry
  • PhD Civil & Resource Engineering, 2020

    Dalhousie University

  • MSc Geology, 2015

    Acadia University

  • BScH Environmental Science, 2011

    Acadia University

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